Holly Marlow

Adoption, Fostering and Special Guardianship


This reading was written for adoptive families to use in an adoption ceremony, celebration hearing or similar event.

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As we build this family on a foundation of love, we promise to always love you with our actions, as well as our feelings. Loving you means that your safety, health and happiness are important to us. We will show you this in a multitude of little moments for the rest of our lives.

We will show you our love when we hold your hand to cross a road, when we ask you to wear a helmet when riding your bike, and a thousand other times when we ask you to watch out or be careful. We will always show that we love you by keeping you safe.

We will show you our love when we give you healthy food, when we brush your teeth and hair, and when we give you medicine. We will show that we love you by doing all we can to keep you healthy. And when you are sick or injured, we will show you that we love you by getting you the help you need.

We will show you our love when you are overwhelmed, worried, frustrated or sad. We will be here to offer emotional support. We’ll listen when you need to talk things through and we will always support and accept you, as you grow and change. We will show you that we love you by doing all we can to help you to live a happy, fulfilling life.

As you grow up, we will teach you to keep yourself safe. We’ll teach you how to prepare healthy meals for yourself. We’ll teach you how to regulate your emotions and understand yourself. You won’t need our help so often, but we will always, always be here to give it to you.

Our love for you will last forever. You won’t grow out of it. It won’t wear out. Even when we are all old and wrinkly, we will be your family, and we will always, always love you.

– Holly Marlow, October 2023