Holly Marlow

Adoption, Fostering and Special Guardianship

Adopting when you already have a child

If you are adopting and you already have a birth child, there are lots of things you can do to help your birth child to understand what is happening and to help them to cope with the big feelings that they may have while adjusting to life as an older sibling. Here you will find a link to a Facebook support group, relevant books for you and your children, and videos to watch to prepare yourself or to prepare your child for becoming a big brother or sister to a child through adoption.

The Facebook Support Group

Join “Adoption or Fostering after a Biological Child” if you have both adopted and biological children! https://www.facebook.com/groups/adopt/

Foster Carers, Kinship Carers and Special Guardians with birth children are also welcome!

Relevant Books


Holly and her daughter Zoe reply to FAQs about what it’s like to adopt when you already have a child in the family.

Holly participated in a webinar for Adoption UK, about managing introductions when you have a birth child.